Showing 251 - 275 of 294 Results
An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky: under Col. William Crawford in 178... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9783337324551 List Price: $33.90
Washington-Irvine Correspondence: The Official Letters Which Passed Between Washington and B... by Butterfield, Consul Willshi... ISBN: 9781375767378 List Price: $19.95
History of Lafayette County, Wisconsin, Containing an Account of its Settlement, Growth, Dev... by Butterfield, Consul Willshi... ISBN: 9781375885218 List Price: $24.95
History of the City of Omaha, Nebraska by Savage, James Woodruff, Jam... ISBN: 9781375947749 List Price: $28.95
History of Brulé's Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626 by Butterfield, Consul Willshi... ISBN: 9781375964555 List Price: $14.90
History of Lafayette County, Wisconsin, Containing an Account of Its Settlement, Growth, Dev... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9780342621910 List Price: $33.95
History of Lafayette County, Wisconsin, Containing an Account of Its Settlement, Growth, Dev... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9780342621903 List Price: $24.95
Washington-Irvine Correspondence: The Official Letters Which Passed Between Washington and B... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9780342372447 List Price: $19.95
Washington-Irvine Correspondence: The Official Letters Which Passed Between Washington and B... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9780342372454 List Price: $29.95
History of Brulé's Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-1626 by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9780342788460 List Price: $14.95
Washington-Irvine Correspondence: The Official Letters Which Passed Between Washington and B... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9780344340918 List Price: $49.95
Washington-Irvine Correspondence: The Official Letters Which Passed Between Washington and B... by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9780344340901 List Price: $32.95
History of the University of Wisconsin from Its First Organization To 1879 : With Biographic... by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9781378389232 List Price: $15.95
History of la Crosse County, Wisconsin : Containing an Account of Its Settlement, Growth, De... by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9781527737549 List Price: $23.57
Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky under Col. William Crawford in 1782 by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9780608365411 List Price: $128.40
History of the University of Wisconsin, from Its First Organization to 1879: With Biographic... by Consul Willshire Butterfield ISBN: 9781356948536 List Price: $25.95
Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart : On the March with His Company from Connecticut to Fort Pit... by Heart, Jonathan 1748-1791, ... ISBN: 9781373243904 List Price: $22.95
Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart : On the March with His Company from Connecticut to Fort Pit... by Heart, Jonathan 1748-1791, ... ISBN: 9781373243898 List Price: $12.95
History of the Discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634: With a Sketch of His Life by Consul Willshire Butterfiel... ISBN: 9783337014469 List Price: $21.90
History of the Discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634 by Butterfield, Consul, Consul... ISBN: 9781544627960 List Price: $6.89
History of Seneca County : Containing a Detailed Narrative of the Principal Events That Have... by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9780666044006 List Price: $29.18
Washington-Irvine Correspondence by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9780530810683 List Price: $18.95
Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky under Col. William Crawford in 1782; w... by Butterfield, Consul Willshire ISBN: 9780530915975 List Price: $18.95
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